Homeschool Schedule 2018-2019

Dec 17, 2018

We’ve had multiple homeschool routines this school year, but for the sake of this post,  I am going to write about our latest routine that includes Mrs. K’s help with the boys. Prior to this routine, we had a routine from July to mid-August when we were getting settled in the new house and Grams was coming daily from 11am-1pm to help. Then, we had a new routine when the au pair arrived August 23rd through October 14th when we sent her on her way.

This is the routine we’ve had once Mrs. K started working for us on October 16th:


Morning Routines & Breakfast (7:30-9:00 A.M.)

When the girls wake up they immediately start their Morning Routine which includes getting dressed, doing their morning chores and fixing breakfast!


Through all these transitions, the girls have really stepped up and helped in a huge way by getting breakfast on the table in the mornings! We are typically sitting down to eat breakfast around 8:15am and Mrs. K arrives right at 8:30am. When the girls finish eating, they clear their plates from the table and go to work on their Independent Work while I get the boys transitioned over to Mrs. K’s care. By 9am, we are done with breakfast, the kitchen is cleaned up and it is time for school!

School Time (9:00 A.M - 12:00 P.M)

Our school day begins with our Morning Basket. We read the Bible together, work on memorizing Scripture and then have our read aloud time. From day one of our homeschool, we have always started our day with Bible reading. I hope that stands out to the children in years to come!


After Morning Basket, it is time for me to work one-on-one with each of the girls. Little Bug starts on her math lesson for the day while Sweet Pea and I go up to the girls’ bedroom for her phonics lesson.


The last 10-15 minutes of this time, I read aloud to Sweet Pea.


Then we go back downstairs to the office and complete her math lesson for the day! After this, Sweet Pea has typically finish her independent work, so she is able to enjoy some free time!


Once I have finished working with Sweet Pea, I call up to Little Bug, who is typically reading in her bedroom, and then we begin Little Bug’s math lesson.


After math, we move right into her language arts studies. Usually around 11:30am we have finished for the day and the girls go outside to play (if the weather is nice) or they play together inside.


During all this time, Mrs. K is doing preschool with the boys! They start their mornings by going outside to play in the back yard. Often they will also go on a walk in the neighborhood.


After outside play, they come inside where Mrs. K does some kind of learning activity and/or craft with them before snack time.


After snack, they go sit on the couch together and Mrs. K reads them books before taking them up to their bedrooms for Room Time from 11am-12pm.


Once the boys are in Room Time at 11am, Mrs. K fixes lunch for all four children.


By noon each day, we have accomplished Morning Basket, math and language arts. The boys have had outside time, learning time and been read to and lunch is on the table! Mrs. K is a complete God-send to our family. She leaves at 11:30 A.M.

Lunch & Sibling Play (12:00-1:00 P.M.)

I get the boys from Room Time at noon and then everyone gathers around the kitchen table for lunch. Since it can get loud, I sometimes turn on a story on audible, but usually this hour is a very loud hour of our day since all four children are together! After lunch, the boys are wanting to play with their sisters so all four kids play together in the living area. I sometimes wish I had earplugs because they are so loud! I’m trying to use this time to teach the little ones how to play well with others and to teach the big kids how to be selfless and just do what your little brother is wanting you to do with him because he adores you and just wants to be with you! During this time, I try to get the kitchen cleaned up from lunch, but mostly I am a referee to the kids!


Nap Routine / Afternoon School (1:00-2:00 P.M.)

At 1pm, I head upstairs with the boys for their nap routines. The girls clean up the living areas and then head to the office to work on map tracing, CC Review and xtra math. After I get the boys down for naps, I read to the girls.


I take the boys upstairs, change diapers (they are both still in diapers) and then we read books on the couch in Sarge’s bedroom before they each go to their beds for naptime.


Sarge doesn’t nap most days, but he does rest and play with his toys. He needs that down time in his day and sometimes ends up falling asleep on his couch.


Nap / Rest Time (2:00-4:00 P.M.)

From 3-4pm, we are ALL in our rooms napping or resting, me included!!! At 3pm, the girls are allowed out of the beds and they play together.

TV Time (4:15 P.M)

We go through seasons where we don’t have a daily consistent “tv time” (meaning we don’t watch tv daily in those seasons) and then seasons where we need a consistent daily tv time. I keep this time very controlled meaning we only watch dvds that we have bought and we watch for 30-45ish minutes on average. Sometimes it is more (if we watch a movie) and sometimes it is less (if it’s beautiful weather and the children want to go outside). My motto with tv has always been that if it serves a purpose and has a set time in our day rather than creeping in every part of our day, then an hour or so of watching tv a day is just fine for my children and my sanity!


Dinner & Family Time (5:00 - 6:30 P.M)

We eat around 5:30pm and then spend time together as a family until 6:30pm. Our favorite family activity is going on walks together after dinner. We will do this even when it is dark. All the children carry a flashlight. It’s especially fun when houses are decorated with Christmas lights!


Bedtime Routines (6:30 - 8:00 P.M)

Dave takes the boys upstairs for their baths and I stay downstairs with the girls while they do their bedtime routines.


They are pretty independent on this - I just make sure they stay on task while I am doing chores around the house and cleaning up from dinner.


At 7pm I go upstairs to read to Beau and put him to bed. Dave reads to Sarge and then I go in and put Sarge to bed. If Mama is home, both boys prefer for Mama to put them to bed. Once Dave is finished reading to Sarge, he goes to the girls’ room where they are both waiting for him to read aloud to them. Once I have put Sarge down for the night, I go into the girls’ room to tell them goodnight. By 8pm, all four children are in bed for the night and Dave and I have a few hours together!

- Elaine