Homeschool Space 2018

Dec 16, 2018

Since Mrs. K comes to help with the boys, I’ve moved our homeschool to the downstairs guest bedroom/office. It’s been the perfect place for us to be able to focus on school in the mornings while Mrs. K is doing preschool with the boys in the living area!

Here is our space:

This is where seat work takes place. The girls each have their own working space. The baskets contain their independent work. The dry erase board is where I write their weekly work and they check it off as they go.

The space in the middle is where I work with them one-on-one.

The girls got this easel for their birthdays and it is used daily in our lessons.

The rest of our curriculum is kept in the closet on a bookshelf that was made by my dad for my classroom when I was a public school teacher! The top shelf has completed work to be filed in their portfolios (or thrown away - can't keep everything!). The four big baskets have math and language arts materials for Little Bug and Sweet Pea. The last shelf has our CC materials.

Our Morning Basket sits on the filing cabinet.

This room is also our guest room/office so the bed provides a perfect spot for read alouds!

I have our CC Memory Work on this wall along with a chair for me to sit in while I read to the girls every morning.

Organizing everything in baskets makes our homeschool portable. When we needed to move from the dining room to this bedroom mid-semester, it was a matter of me picking up baskets and moving them to the bookshelf in the closet!

I don't know how long we will school in this bedroom, but for now, it works beautifully for our homeschool!

- Elaine