Our Homeschool Curriculum 2018-2019

Jul 31, 2018

This year, we will start our 6th year of homeschooling. I gave up long ago assigning a grade level to my children because homeschooling affords me the opportunity to work with each child at their level. As I've learned through these years, success is defined by forward progress and I am delighted every year to see forward progress in each of my children as we complete another school year together.

Please note: All links are non-affiliate links and are included simply for your convenience. 

Here is what we will be learning this year:

Little Bug


Christian Light Education Level 3

Little Bug will finish up Christian Light Education Level 2 and then move right in to Christian Light Education Level 3. Little Bug is not a fan of math, so she wouldn't say she likes this math curriculum, but I love it. It provides the spiral review she needs, has a built in math fact memorization system and the daily lessons are clear and concise. The teacher's manual is excellent. Sometimes the daily review work gets long for Little Bug, but math practice is something she just has to do, whether it is fun or not!

Language Arts

Little Bug is an avid, voracious reader. She consumes books quicker than I can keep them stocked in the house. When she runs out of library books, she turns to Epic, a $5/month app that is worth every penny. It gives her access to thousands of books when we can't make it to the library. This is an example of me teaching my children on their level. Little Bug did not learn to read when, according to our culture and society, she should have been reading. I believe in delayed academics, especially if the child is not interested. I put away the phonics curriculum in Kindergarten and brought it back out the next year, and it was literally like from one day to the next it all clicked for her. Right around the time she was 6.5 years old, she started fluently reading and hasn't stopped since. She delights in reading every single day! That is a gift to my child that could never have a price tag. I am convinced her love of reading came because I did not force her to learn to read on my time table. I waited until she showed me she was developmentally ready to learn to read. She can go far and wide in this world simply because she can read and devour information. And, most importantly, she can read the Word of God. This is my ultimate goal in teaching all of my children to read. One down, three to go!

All About Spelling Level 3

This is a very straight-forward approach to teaching and applying spelling rules. Little Bug’s spelling has improved with Levels 1 and 2, so we will continue on with All About Spelling Level 3 this year.

Explode the Code Books 7 & 8

I have found the Explode the Code series to be good reinforcement of phonics and spelling. Little Bug will complete the last two books in the series this year.

Classical Copywork

Classical Copywork includes Bible verse from Genesis for Little Bug to copy and practice her handwriting. Genesis will tie in well with our ancient history studies.

Classical Conversations English Grammar

Because we do Classical Conversations, I don’t have to do a Grammar curriculum because that starts when we start the Essentials program (next year). We are working on memorizing all of CC’s English Grammar memory work before we begin Essentials next year. Having this foundational information memorized will help Little Bug be able to apply this knowledge in Essentials.

Daily Grams Grade 4 & Usborne's Grammar and Punctuation

I came across Daily Grams and Usborne’s Grammar and Punctuation and for their price ($15 combined), I thought they were worth purchasing. The lessons are short and sweet and will give Little Bug a small dosage of English grammar before Essentials next year. We won’t do these every day, and we probably won’t finish either one this year, but we will use them to get our feet wet in English grammar!

Sweet Pea


Christian Light Education Level 1

Sweet Pea is thrilled to begin Christian Light Math Level 1 this year! Level 1 does such a wonderful job of teaching those foundational math concepts in such a clear, sequential way. Lessons build on each other so that you learn the skills little by little to be able to do a more complex math skill like borrowing or carrying. I am excited to go through this level again and Sweet Pea is so eager to begin!

Language Arts

All About Reading Level 1

I started phonics with Sweet Pea last year, but she wasn't ready. Learning to read should be a fun, enticing adventure for a child. When there are tears, that is my first sign that the child is not developmentally ready. I put the phonics curriculum away for a while and then came across Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons this past Spring. We did the first 40 or so lessons and those lessons gave Sweet Pea confidence. She is chomping at the bit to start All About Reading Level 1 and I am looking forward to seeing it all click for her hopefully very soon!

Explode the Code ABC

Sweet Pea went through the Explode the Code ABC series last year and she will go through them a second time this year because they are an excellent reinforcement for letter sounds taught in All About Reading. There is also handwriting practice included.

Classical Copywork

Sweet Pea has the beginner's level of Classical Copywork. She will be able to copy Bible verses from Genesis and practice her handwriting.


Now I will share what we will be learning together! I keep the skill subjects (math & reading) separate and on each child's individual level, but everything else we learn about together.

Morning Time

We begin our homeschool day together doing things that bring delight, beauty and truth into our day. Morning Time lasts anywhere from half an hour to an hour on most days, depending on what kinds of discussions we get in to. This is such a sweet time in our homeschool. It reminds me why I homeschool. I am investing in them academically, but more importantly, I am investing my time and my continuous presence and influence in their lives.

Bible & Scripture Memory

We begin Morning Time by reading the Word of God. We love to read from The Adventure Bible. We also enjoy the series by Sally Michael and will read God's Gospel (by Jill Nelson). We started with God's Names by Sally Michael a couple year ago. These books are Bible-based and are written in beautiful language for elementary aged children. We are also going to read Indescribable by Louie Giglio because my children love to explore science topics. We also have a Bible verse that we work on memorizing every month. I've been doing this for three years now, and this year we are going to cycle back to the verses we memorized three years ago. If I can get my children to memorize these 36 verses we've been working on the past 3 years, that will be a wonderful repertoire of Bible verses for them to have tucked away in their hearts.

Read Aloud

The second-favorite time of our day is when we get to enjoy reading a book together. I take much delight in reading to my children and it is something I try to do every day! I recently read Sarah MacKenzie's Read Aloud Family and it gave me a new perspective on our read aloud time. Last year was a very hard (more on this coming later) year for me juggling the needs of all of my children while trying to homeschool and manage my household responsibilities. Sadly, many days, Read Aloud time got the boot because I simply didn't have the time (so I thought) or the energy (that could have been very true). After reading her book, one thing really stuck out to me. Sarah said all we need to read aloud to our kids is 10 minutes. (page 109) TEN MINUTES. Many days I pushed it aside because I didn't have the half hour I thought I needed for read aloud time. I'm certain, many days I could have squeezed 10 minutes of reading in our school day. Oh! And, get this. Sarah said you don't even have to read every day. (page 110) What?! That was a breath of fresh air for this frazzled mama. I devoured her book and applied most everything applicable in her book to my homeschool. One thing is that reading picture books to older kids is just fine and actually still very important to do. (page 204) In this season of my life, I can more easily read a picture book rather than a 200+ page chapter book. I've been gathering lots of picture books for us to share together this year. Some titles are from Sarah's lists in her book (starts on page 191) and others are titles I've come across that look interesting from used book sales I have attended this summer! This picture is just a fraction of my collection. Just this weekend, at a librarian's garage sale, I walked away with 75 books for $36!

Loop Schedule - Handwriting Without Tears Cursive & Progeny Press Study Guide

I am giving the loop schedule a try this year after reading Better Together by Pam Barnhill. I think this is the right time to give it a whirl and see if it fits into our homeschool. A loop schedule is for all those things that never seem to get done. For us, cursive is at the top of this list. Little Bug has begged me to teach her cursive for a while now, but I have put it off due to lack of time. We will use Handwriting Without Tear Cursive. I also want to work through Progeny Press Study guide Frog and Toad Together with both girls. Both of these subjects will be put in the loop schedule. They will not have a specific day assigned to do them. During morning time (probably the last 10-15 minutes), we will do one of them. So if we do cursive one day, the next time we do the loop subjects, we will do Progeny Press. A week could go by and the next time we do the loop schedule, we would pick up with cursive and then Progeny Press. The loop schedule assures each subject gets equal time, so that something is not left totally undone at the end of the year. We will see how this works for us this year! Anything else that comes along in the year that we want to do together can be added to this loop schedule.

Classical Conversations Cycle 1

Classical Conversations is the backbone of our homeschool curriculum. It is my guide in planning our year and it lays a clear, straight path of the topics we will be covering that year, yet it gives me absolute freedom to teach concepts how I wish to teach them for my children and for our homeschool! This is our first year to repeat a cycle as we started Classical Conversations in 2015 with Cycle 1 and this year we are back to Cycle 1. We will continue to keep things simple this year and learn as much of the weekly Memory Work as we can as well as dig deeper into any concept or topic that the girls are interested in. I do not buy many of the extras that CC offers, but I do purchase the CD with all the memory work because it is a great way to review the weekly Memory Work.

History: Ancient History

We will be learning about ancient history! The Story of the World Volume 1 is a great companion to the CC History Work. I don't try to match it week-by-week (no time for that!) and we don't do the activity book either. We just enjoy listening to the audio (by Jim Weiss). I did buy the book for Little Bug to read. We also have two CDs by Jim Weiss to listen to: Courage and Clear Mind, True Adventures of the Ancient Greeks and Julius Caesar and the Story of Rome.

I have collected many books that correlate with our History Memory Work. I didn't go so far as to match every single week; some weeks we have multiple titles to read and others we have none! We will just read through the books together as the year goes. I tried to find stories (instead of nonfiction) to make the History Memory Work come alive to us!

Science: Biology and Earth Science

All of my children love the Magic School Bus series and Little Bug received this Magic School Bus volcano kit for her birthday, so we will incorporate these into our science studies!

I also collected many books that correlate with our science topics. I tried to get a mix of stories and non-fiction. We are also going to to enjoy simple, no-prep activities that will correlate with our Memory Work but, most importantly, create memories along the way of these early elementary years. These activities include a trip to the zoo, planting a seed and watching it grow, a leaf scavenger hunt and playing with our rock collection.

Geography: Africa and the World

We will be studying Africa this year. These placemats are excellent for locating our Geography Memory Work on the map. We are going to give Draw Africa a try. It gives step-by-step instructions on how to draw the continent of Africa. I also have many African stories to read to the children.

Sarge & Beau

The boys are four and two years old. Here is what they will get to learn and do this year:

Morning Time

I wish I could do one Morning Time with all four children, but that turns in to mass chaos in about 5 seconds flat, so, for the time being, I will stick with a separate Morning Time for the girls and boys. The boys love these Bibles: The Beginner's Bible and The Adventure Bible Storybook. Just like I do with the girls, we will begin the boys morning by reading a Bible story. We will also work on memorizing some Bible verses.

Read Aloud

I have many titles from the Read Aloud Family lists as well as many others that I have gathered to read this year!


There will be lots of ABC exposure through books, games, puzzles and educational toys.


The boys will explore and learn through playing with educational toys, play doh, puzzles, arts & crafts, games and sensory bins!

Those are my well-laid plans for this year. Through these years, I've learned to keep things simple. Every year there is so much I want to do with my children, but every year, I have to step back and realize what is most important in these early years: relationships. My relationship with my husband and my children, their relationships with each other and, most importantly, our (my) relationship with God - the One who has brought us all together to be family. My life is everything I imagined it not to be! There are challenges I didn't see coming, obstacles that at times have seemed impossible, but God is showing me the way, step-by-step, as I trust in Him to provide for my every need as I march on in this journey called life.

- Elaine