Homeschool Highlights {February 2018}

Feb 28, 2018

Language Arts

We enjoyed reading some books by Patricia Polacco this month. She writes true stories from her childhood and they are very inspirational.


Little Bug and her friend decided on their own during a playdate to write a booklet about butterflies. They found a book we had about butterflies and used the information from that book to make their booklet. This was such a beautiful example of classical education from these two girls!


Little Bug continues to work through All About Spelling Level 2 and memorizing the English Grammar from Classical Conversations. Little Bug also continues to be an avid reader, devouring books sometimes faster than I can get her back to the library to stock up on more!

Sweet Pea started the last book of CLE’s Kindergarten II and she is started A Reason for Handwriting K. Sweet Pea’s letter formation has greatly improved from the beginning of this year to now! These last few months of this year we are going to focus on making sure she has all the letter sounds down so she will be ready for phonics and learning to read next year!


Little Bug has started Light Unit 205 in CLE’s Level 2 math! She is getting a wonderful math foundation with Christian Light math. She should have well over half of Level 2 complete before the end of the school year.

Sweet Pea has enjoyed Math Lessons for a Living Education. She has developed her addition skills through this math book and can add some numbers now without the use of manipulatives to help her see the answer. I still have her count to 100 on a regular basis. By the end of February, I was giving her a blank 100 chart and she was writing every number 1 to 100! She has made tremendous progress with number sense.


Classical Conversations

We’ve finished Week 18 on March 1st. A favorite time of our community day is the science experiments and art lessons that we get to do.

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At home we’ve been going back to the Human Body Memory work and diving a little deeper into learning more about the human body systems! We made a Q-tip skeletal system and label several of the bones we learned.


I bought the Magic School Bus Science Experiment kit off Amazon and we’ve been doing the experiments as well as watching the human body episodes of Magic School Bus!


The boys joined us on the day we were observing the chicken bones we had left in vinegar overnight!


Valentine's Day

The girls wore their "You are so loved" shirts for Valentine's Day!


At Unk's request, the kids made Valentine cards for his girlfriend!B4C40944-D5F8-4D65-BBE7-9DC6C0FF87F4-COLLAGE.jpg

Field Trips & Other Activities

Grams & Gramps took the girls to the Zoo!


The girls and Unk enjoyed an afternoon of painting.


The girls got to help Gramps plant his Spring garden!


Sarge & Beau

At 3.5 years old (Sarge) and 19 months (Beau), these two are quite the pair when it comes to homeschooling with two toddlers in the mix. They play in their rooms for 1.5 hours every morning which is an absolute lifesaver to our homeschool. It’s been very challenging lately to do anything with the boys around, but during their room time each morning, we are able to read the Bible together, say our Memory Verse, pray together and complete math lessons for the day!

The boys love their room time. They get to play with toys they only see during room time. They also get to listen to music and I think they both enjoy the down time in the middle of their morning. IMG_1888.HEIC

January went by slow as molasses and February flew by! I am always glad to see these two months go by each year. With March comes Spring and finishing up another school year. Then comes all the thinking and planning that goes into preparations for a new school year and attending the Homeschool Convention in May!

- Elaine