Homeschool Highlights {January 2018}

Jan 31, 2018


We got back to our normal routine on January 2nd. We’ve been reading from The Adventure Bible and we’ve read through Genesis and now we are reading through Exodus. I take the truths from CBD and teach them to my girls. This has been more powerful teaching of the Word to them than any book we have read! After we read the Bible, we recite the month’s Scripture Memory and then pray before we start the day’s school work.


Little Bug wrote this on January 8th, 2018. May it always be true in her life!


Language Arts

We learned there is a new AAR/AAS Letter Tile app. It was $15 but I would have paid DOUBLE for it. No more moving tiles across the dry erase board and having them fall or get lost or having to organize the board after every lesson! With a swip of the finger, the tiles all magically go back to their places in the app!


Before each lesson, all I have to do is set which level and lesson we are on and then all the tiles appear that are needed for that lesson! Little Bug is about half way through AAS Level 2. We are picking up the pace so I think we will finish level 2 before the end of this school year with no problem. Little Bug also continues to work through Explode the Code Book 6 for phonics and spelling.


Sweet Pea is working through the last two books of CLE’s Kindergarten II program. She can do most of the work independently now, but it continues to be a great program for her to practice her letter sounds and numbers. She is even reading 3-letter words.


Sweet Pea is nearly finished with the last primer in the Explode the Code series!



Little Bug finished up LU203 by the end of January. She continues to excel with CLE math!


Sweet Pea is working through Math Lessons for a Living Education Level 1. We’ve been working on numbers and place value. There is also lots of practice with writing numbers and that has been great practice for Sweet Pea. I still have her count 1-100 nearly every day!


Sweet Pea also writes her numbers 1-100 twice every week!


Classical Conversations

We had an 8-week break during the holidays and our first day back was suppose to be January 18th. We missed that week due to Sweet Pea being sick. She had fever for five days along with coughing and congestion. Little Bug came down with it as well and we ended up missing another week of CC. So, we didn’t go back to CC until February 1st. Katie is now our tutor and she is excellent. We are studying some American artists over the next few weeks.



Our first 12 weeks were really tough with our first tutor (who was just awful at tutoring) so it is so nice to have someone who knows what she is doing to tutor our class. It’s a small class with just two other families, but I like that. There are Katie’s two kids and then Mrs. June comes with her two granddaughters.






Sweet Pea came down with a fever on January 18th that lasted five days and then Little Bug was right behind her. We managed to keep the boys and me well by keeping the sickies at Grams and Gramps’ house. Dave caught it too and spent time there as well. We were not sure if it was the flu or not and we did not want the boys coming down with the flu which is really bad this year. It ended up not being the flu and was instead a very nasty cold virus. That was a rough week for us all.


Friends Visit

Sweet Pea ended up coming down with virus the day Rebecca and her kids were driving down. None of them got sick, but Rebecca did test positive for the flu two days after they got back home so she must have picked up the flu at church on Sunday because that is the only public place we went!



My Grandpa passed away January 9th, so I went to Raleigh with my parents and brother for his funeral on January 14th. It was such a wonderful week with family! Both the lives of Grandpa and Grandma were honored well by the family during the service. I spoke at the service as well as Wesley and Will. I read what I wanted to say. All of the six cousins were there (Dave was the only spouse not there since he was home with the boys) and we were all able to enjoy some very good visiting time. None of the great-grandchildren were there except now we know that Emily was 7 weeks pregnant with TWINS! She would find out just a week later at her first ultrasound that she is carrying twins! We will all be together again for Lauren’s wedding on April 7th. Wesley will be bringing a guest: his girlfriend, Lauren!


Field Trip

We managed to attend the mission project with our homeschool group. We made bags to hand out to homeless people as we see them around town.


January was a tough month for homeschooling with all the sickness, but we caught up and continued to make great progress throughout the first month of the second semester of this school year!

- Elaine